Hey guys,
I just want to say that one, I really miss my cousins. They left this morning and I cried a lot for sure. Yeah we had some rough patches this summer, but I can't stay mad at them for too long you know, its just not healthy.
Well anyways, I am really really bored at the moment and I went through tons of modeling competitions where they are looking for applicants. And well none of the competitions caught my eye. Like they seem cool and everything but I really don't know if I wanna join them. So I guess this is the time for you to advertise your comp on my blog and ask me to join, because I seem not to find a good one to join.
Also for the past week I have been thinking of creating a new modeling competition. I have like very creative ideas for it and everything. All I need to do is lay down the basic track. Everything about the comp is creative, and well I hope people will like it. So I guess I am just asking if you would like to join a modeling competition hosted by me?
How much time do they take up? I have school in like 10 days and I don't wanna start but quit because I don't have time. Otherwise, I'm interested. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, modeling comps take a while to complete unless you drop out or don't make it it the next round. But I would have to say, that it would take about a long time. Because I have two parts to my comp. Part one i give you 5 days to complete and if you don't complete its ok, but you don't get the prize or whatever. And part 2 i also give you 5 days to do and part 2 is always the important one! Some cases you will not have a part one. But if you need like extensions or whatever I am glad to give you one :D
Hi! That sounds good. :) I just hope high school doesn't get too stressful this year, lol.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean! Highschool can be very stressful with all the classes, but this year so far it looks like I have an easy schedhule :D So we will see I guess. What grade are you going in? If I may ask, I'm going to grade 10 if you wanted to know
ReplyDeleteI'm going to grade 10 too! O: And I think this year my schedule looks tough. I have 3 honors classes and one AP(College level D:) class. And I still have to do my summer reading. D:
ReplyDeleteOh wow I guess we are in the same age lol :) Yeah we don't have honors classes. which I think is pretty lame because, I would be in all of them lol :P And we don't have any AP classes either. I am basically a free person.
ReplyDeleteLucky. :( And yeah, cool. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen do you start school? I go back September 7. Summer went by so fast. D:
I start school on the 31st of August. I am like really nervous, and I totally agree with you. The summer of 2010 went by fast, a little too quickly lol.